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How Long Will Wisdom Tooth Recovery Take?

December 10, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — rmperio @ 2:00 pm
Woman resting at home after wisdom tooth removal

Wisdom teeth removal is an extremely common surgery, with as many as 10 million wisdom teeth being removed in the United States each year. As with most surgeries, it takes some time for your body to fully recover after the procedure. While wisdom tooth recovery is usually completed without any complications, it’s important to be aware of just how long the process takes and what you can do to speed it up. That way, you can return to your normal routine all the sooner without having to worry about any new oral health problems. The following post covers the basics of recovery that you need to know before wisdom tooth surgery.


4 Tips for Enjoying the Holidays While Recovering from Oral Surgery

December 3, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — rmperio @ 3:11 pm
Couple watching TV on couch during holidays

Many people choose to schedule oral surgery procedures like gum grafting or tooth extraction around the holidays. This way, they can recover during an already scheduled break from work or school. Of course, you may be concerned about missing out on the festivities while dealing with the aftereffects of surgery, but don’t worry! While you may need to be a bit more mindful of what foods you can eat and what activities you take part in, you’ll still be able to enjoy a fun, fulfilling holiday season even while you’re in the middle of the recovery process. Here are 4 tips for taking care of your mouth while in the middle of holiday celebrations.
