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Will Marijuana Use Increase My Risk of Gum Disease?

March 7, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — rmperio @ 8:32 pm
a person smoking a marijuana cigarette

You’re probably aware that there’s growing support for the legalization of both recreational and medicinal marijuana use across the US and other countries. But regardless of the legislation and ongoing debate, people have been using marijuana for many years—and given that it’s usually either smoked or eaten, you might be wondering if the substance can influence your oral health. Here’s what your dentist wants you to know about the link between marijuana use and oral health, along with some tips for protecting your smile.


How Gum Disease Can Impact Your Mental Wellness

March 4, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — rmperio @ 7:57 pm
a patient with an anxious facial expression

When most people think about their oral health, their teeth are the first thing to come to mind—but you shouldn’t neglect your gums! Your gums are actually just as important as your teeth when it comes to keeping your smile healthy and attractive, but unfortunately, gum disease is quite a widespread problem. In fact, it’s estimated that roughly half of all adults over the age of 30 have some form of it. That said, this condition can also have some damaging effects on your mental well-being in addition to the inside of your mouth. Keep reading to learn more from your periodontist about this unique connection.
